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Tattoo Giveaway

I’m real grateful for you all. Like really really! I’ve been tattooin now for a whole lotta years, and I’ve done the math and it’s lookin like I’ve done around 5,000+ tattoos. That’s crazy. And a whole lot of trust and support and to say a big ol big ol biiiig thank you, I’m gonna give away a free tattoo - at a value of like 500$. The winner will be pulled on my tattoo birthday on June 24 🙃 (((Special thanks to my tattoo dad @dougtattoosbabies , thanks for being a big part of my life and my best friend , even tho that means being tooted on a lot and picking you up at police stations because someone tried to fight you for dancing too hard at them and stuff etc etc etc. I love ya!)))
All you have to do is do all the things on the thing. Share, follow, tag, and just be sure you’re able to travel to Nj to see me! Also make sure your post is public! (((Funny comments make me smile)))
Thanks I love y’all a whole whole lot.

To Enter, Please visit instagram : @mamaearthtone and look for the giveaway!