Gift Cards!


Gift Cards!

from $50.00

Gift cards are now available!

You can purchase these for a loved one and the amount can go toward a tattoo, artwork, prints or a custom art idea or any other offering like tarot, reiki, etc!

Please check the “booking and info” page, as I do not tattoo some things and I’d hate to see a gift card go to someone who’s idea doesn’t work out..

when checking out, please fill out the address you’d like the gift card to send to- a physical gift card will be sent in the mail.

I will be tracking these closely, they can not be replicated as I will be signing each one and have a record on file of them and their buyers.No funny business please that would be embarrassing.

Gift card purchases are 100% nonrefundable.

If I am full booked and your loved one can not work out a time to come to see me, please have them email me and we will work it out! I can be flexible 🤍

Thank you so much!

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